Sunday, September 23, 2012

Where do our beliefs come from?

Thoughts (Conscious Mind) Daily Perception

We are all well acquainted with the conscious mind. Through its use we establish our relations with the outer realm and recognize our individual entities. The conscious mind makes one know of one's
Mental operation. It is that phase of mind in which one is actively aware of ones thoughts. It is the mind through which we establish our identity. The conscious mind should look to the super conscious for all direction and instruction.
The Spirit of Wisdom Rest in SUPER CONSCIOUS MIND

The super consciousness or spiritual consciousness, is a state that is based on true ideas, upon an understanding and realization of spiritual truth. It is our only sure guide through the maze of the creative process. By trusting the infallibility of this we open ourselves to the inspiration of This phase of mind built in accordance with the  Ideal, or in an absolute relationship to our Universe.. It is the perfect mind.

Beliefs (sub-conscious Mind)  SUBCONSCIOUSNESS

The subconscious mind, or subjective consciousness, is the sum of all our past thinking. It may be called Memory. The subconscious mind HAS NO POWER TO DO ORIGINAL THINKING. It acts upon what it is given through the conscious or the super conscious mind. All of our involuntary, or automatic, activities are of the subconscious. The result of having trained ourselves by the consciousness mind to form habits and to do certain things without having to center our thought consciously. The subconscious is silent and lies behind (in the back of) conscious mind, and between it and the super conscious. An office to receive impressions from the super consciousness and to reproduce them on the canvas of the conscious mind.

how we take in the world around us. " Positive/ Negative Thinking"

Consciousness is the sense of AWARENESS, OF KNOWING. IT IS OUR KNOWING THAT WE KNOW. The ideas that are held in mind are the basis of all consciousness . The nature of the ideas upon which consciousness is formed and gives character to it. CONSCIOUSNESS is the knowledge or realization of any idea, object, or condition. It is the sum total of all ideas accumulated in and affecting man's  present being. It is the composite of ideas, thoughts, emotions, sensation, and knowledge that makes up the conscious, subconscious, and super conscious phases of mind. It includes ALL THAT MAN IS AWARE OF IN SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY.

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