Friday, October 19, 2012



Mind.      God                 Super  Conscious

Idea         Thought          Conscious

Expression                      Subconscious

Spiritually Speaking

We are listening now, everywhere we are, the effects of mankind thinking overwhelm us. We are certain we are appalled, afraid of what next? The Catholic Church in crises, the world at war, seemingly everywhere negativity and hopelessness. We stand human within it all. We aren't certain what to do next, what to think. I am certain in my understanding. I know exactly it is our thinking.

We can rise above this negativity and we will. We are called in every effect of these illusions of hell to think. And it is in our thinking where our power is. The power to manifest more of this hell; or the power to manifest the steps we will take into the promised thousand years of peace. Peace be with you is a condition of the mind, a mind only occupied with love and compassion for our fragility and the willingness to reclaim our divinity.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. In order to attain the perfection that is ours it has been necessary to attain the depths of hell in order to realize hell is here and now in our living. Not left to a destiny after death for not having lived Gods law. Our thinking creates. We are powerful co-creators for God.  Having been created in his image we are just as powerful. We are his power.

Humanity has almost no understanding what happens when the personal self sends a feeling of irritation, anger, hate, envy, jealousy, criticism, or condemnation. The effects are this seeming living hell; which is hatred, anger, war death.

We can consciously choose our thoughts, we can just as easily send out feelings where the effects of love manifest peace, joy, concern, caring, compassion, generosity. Isn't this what we think it will be like in heaven?

This is truly where our salvation lies. We have the the promise of a thousand years of peace. We have the power to create it. It is in our thinking. We must choose now Heaven or Hell. Each one of us contributes. Our power to perceive the second coming of Christ is in this consciousness.

Our thoughts are our power and our words generate the energy  that creates our reality
We walk between two worlds. Which will you choose? In order to realize heaven is here and now for the making and not left to some destiny after death. We must create it. Think it is so, Heaven is here and now! An effect of our thinking.... Peace is our promise.

Peace be with you...